{A left over bloom from the bouquets Jamie gave me.}
Although last week I felt like I was running around like crazy trying to get things together for our trip home, it was nothing compared to this week. I worked mostly every day this week, Milo graduated from puppy class (yay), and I have been trying to finish three weeks worth of posts in three days! Looking back on how much has actually been accomplished this week makes me realize that if I was this organized on a daily basis a lot of the stress in my life would be alleviated. I think I should probably take that into consideration moving forward. Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday!
{A delicious mid week dinner- Polk loin, arugula, pickled beets, caramelized onions and goat cheese.}
{Extremely excited about my oyster shucking post in the next few weeks!}
{A little ring to remind me that what goes around comes around.}