
Highs And Lows

July 15, 2016

{Testing out the new Formula X System Gel, I went with the colour “Alive”.}

Admittedly the majority of this week has been spent inside of the house trying to escape from the extreme heat that has pretty much taken over the city. I am absolutely not complaining though because I am such a summer girl and will take hot over cold anytime…though I definitely should not have opted to wear Jeans this past Tuesday to attend a couple of fall previews. Besides my lapse in jean judgement the hot hot heat was also the perfect excuse to grab ice cream late one evening with Jamie and catch up on some much needed back end blog work. I hope you all have a great weekend and can find some time to spend outdoors. See you Monday!
{Butter tart ice cream at Sweet Jesus…their best combination yet in my option.}
{How cool are these bee hives at Weir’s Lane Lavender Farm.}
{Palm print wallpaper at the Bench Fall 16′ Preview.}
{Finally found a pair of statement earrings for the summer and they were on major sale. (similar here)}

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