Insta Find | Pencil Shaving Flowers by Haruka Misawa

We're kind of enamoured with these flowers made from pencil shavings by Japanese artist, Haruka Misawa.  After sharpening her pencils one day, Haruka found the patterns to be similar to flowers and decided to explore how they could be formed into more realistic flowers.

To make this happen, Misawa prints paper with a color gradation and then tightly wraps it in a pencil-like shape scraping them against the pencil sharpener.  The result, the flowers blossom outward, each completely unique.

Here's a few more images from her Instagram feed:

Via Lost at E Minor.

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

arianna terzago said...

No way! I can´t believe it: it´s so amazing!!! Really really beautiful!

