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My Third Trimester Update…We’re Almost There!

February 20, 2019

Yesterday I had my 38 week prenatal appointment!!! I actually wanted to get this post up yesterday as well, but Jamie and I ended up being at the doctors longer than expected because they were a little backed up. After the appointment, we decided to stay in Halifax and spend the rest of the day on one long  day date which included a trip to a coffee shop, visit with my grandma, pedicures together (that took a little convincing, hah!) and then Jamie made me the most delicious mac & cheese for dinner AND did all the dishes. Needless to say, I’m feeling pretty loved and spoiled. Read more…

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

November 21, 2018

This past weekend, I got a welcome burst of energy and spent all day Saturday on a “day date” with Jamie. Years ago, when we first starting dating, I used to always plan “day dates” for us and I’d get so excited about them. Read more…

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