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A 3 Day Guide to Nantucket

July 19, 2018

Nantucket was never a place I’d dreamt of visiting, I actually didn’t know much about the island off of Massachusetts until arriving. However, when my fellow blogger gal pal, Blare June asked me if I wanted to take a little summer vacation with her to Nantucket, I was all for it. Read more…

Middleton Place

July 11, 2018

Here we are, the very last of my Charleston posts…are you sick of me saying the word Charleston yet? No? Good because I’m definitely not sick of talking about it, haha! Read more…

The Blondielocks Book Club Review: Calypso

July 10, 2018

For our first book club read of the summer, we chose Calypso by David Sedaris. Described as a beach read for people who detest beaches, Calypso is a collection of essays based on Sedaris’s life that all meld together to tell one hilarious, and at times, dark and self deprecating, story of this middle aged author. Calypso felt like the perfect first book to ease into our summer book club and with that, here’s our review.  Read more…

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