{Taking full advantage of the flower covered swing at the Spring One of a Kind Show.} Read more…
Spotlight: Halifax Harvest Tables
March 27, 2018It’s been a while since I’ve shared a proper Spotlight Feature, and I feel it is due time to finally bring it back. With our wedding (give or take) 6 months away, and plans really starting to come together, I thought that it might be fun to start sharing using this feature as a way to share a few of our wedding vendors and items that are making our wedding day feel uniquely ours. Read more…
Highs And Lows
March 16, 2018{A sunny Sunday walk and coffee date with my favourite person.}
Happy Friday, friends! How was everyone’s week? I’ve spent the better part of mine getting used to the time change, but today was the first day I woke up at 7:30 without an alarm so that’s progress. Read more…
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