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Spotlight: Coulombe Perfume (The Wedding Perfume)

April 24, 2018

When Savanna, the creator of Coulombe Perfume recently reached out to me offering to send me a bottle of her inaugural fragrance, “The Wedding Perfume” I literally jumped for joy. I had followed along with Coulombe perfume for quite a while and had even entered to win a bottle via my wedding photographer who was giving one away a couple of months ago. I didn’t win the giveaway, but just a few days after entering, an e-mail from Savanna popped into my inbox and I felt a sort of serendipitous feeling if you will. I was already in love with the idea of The Wedding Perfume but after chatting with Savanna, I fell completely in love with her warm nature and passion for what she does and knew that I had to interview her. Read more…

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